Belone belone


Otolith description
The shape of the otoliths is ovally pointed. The sulcus is well developed and wide. The sulcus is closed at the cauda, but runs over almost the whole length of the otolith. The ostium and cauda are not distinguishable. The surface of the inside is highly irregular, while the outside is smooth. The margins are a bit irregular. The ventral and dorsal margin are round while the posterior margin is straight. The rostrum is well developed and pointed. The antirostrum is indistinct. The inside of the otolith is convex. The outside of the otolith is concave. The otolith is thin at the anterior while thick at the posterior. Otoliths of garfish do not exceed 10 mm in length.
In eroded otoliths the sulcus remains visible, but the surface and margins are smoothed.

It is also important to note that the bones of garfish have a distinct green colour, instead of being white like other in other fish species. This green colour however can also occur in eelpout Zoarces viviparus.

Fish length and distribution
Garfish can grow up to 95 cm. Garfish is a pelagic schooling fish (BELOBELO.TIF). It comes into nearshore waters and into the North Sea in spring. It spawns in coastal waters from May to June (Wheeler, 1978, Nijssen and De Groot, 1987, Muus et al., 1999).
Garfish is found in the NE Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic.

Sample origin