Entelurus aequoreus

Snake pipefish

Otolith description
Otoliths of syngnathidae are very small and otolith length does not exceed 0.7 mm. The general otolith shape is ovally pointed. The otolith is not well developed. The sulcus runs along the length of the otolith, about of the total length. The closed sulcus is not very distinct and ostium and cauda are not distinguishable. The surface of the inside is irregular, while outside and ventral and dorsal margins are smooth. The ventral margin is straight while the dorsal margin is rounded. The rostrum is rounded, the antirostrum is indistinct. The inside is flat and the outside concave. Note that these otoliths are so small, that the features outlined above can only be seen under a very powerful microscope.

Otoliths of syngnathidae are all very similar. Because of its size it is easily missed in samples, however the vertebrae and denticles are much bigger and useful for determination. If snake pipefish are expected prey, fresh specimens need to be examined for comparison of vertebrae and denticles, to exclude other species of pipefish.

Vertebrae description
Not available

Denticle description
Not available

Fish length and distribution
Snake pipefish can grow up to 65 cm. Snake pipefish is (ENTEAEQU.TIF) found in the deeper waters of the open sea, between 10-100m. It is mostly found among large deep water seaweeds. It spawns from June to July (Wheeler, 1978, Nijssen and De Groot, 1987, Witte et al., 1991, Muus et al., 1999).
Snake pipefish is found in the NE Atlantic and North Sea.

Sample origin
Southern North Sea.