Buglossidium luteum


Otolith description
Otolith is square with rounded points. The sulcus runs over more than half the length of the otolith and is generally closed, but can be open at the ostium. The sulcus is narrow and deep at the cauda. Ostium and cauda are visible and separated. The cauda is deeper than ostium, giving the sulcus a hole-like appearance. The surface of the inside of the otolith is slightly irregular and margins are smooth. The outside surface of the otolith is also smooth. The rostrum of the otolith is rounded. The inside of the otolith is slightly convex. The outside of the otolith is also convex and therefore the otolith is thick. Solenette is only a small fish and otolith length does not exceed 3.5 mm.
The convex outside and thickness of the otolith distinguish this species from sole Solea solea, which is concave and much thinner. In non-eroded otoliths the sulcus of solenette otoliths is deeper than in sole otoliths.
Eroded otoliths are round and the sulcus is less distinct. The surface on the inside of the otolith will be smoother when eroded.
Otoliths of 0-group soleidae are not distinguishable with great certainty. The shape of the otolith is already rounder than sole otoliths. The sulcus is only slightly visible.

Fish length and distribution
Solenette can grow up to 13 cm. Solenette is a small bottom-living flatfish (BUGLLUTE.TIF) of sandy bottoms. It is mostly found at depths of less than 40m in coastal areas. It mainly lives offshore, but juveniles can also be found closely inshore. (Wheeler, 1978, Nijssen and De Groot, 1987, Witte et al., 1991). It spawns from May to August (Nijssen and De Groot, 1987).
Solenette is found along the shores in the Eastern Atlantic and Southern North Sea.

Sample origin
Southern North Sea.