Authors(s) | Blake B.F. Dixon T.J. Hope Jones P. and Tasker M.L. |
Year | 1985 |
Title | Seasonal Changes in the Feeding Ecology of Guillemots (Uria aalge) off North and East Scotland. Est.,Coastal and Shelf Sc. 20:559-568 |
- Ammodytes marinus
- Ammodytes tobianus
- Aphia minuta
- Clupea harengus
- Crystallogobius linearis
- Gadus morhua
- Gobius niger
- Hyperoplus lanceolatus
- Melanogrammus aeglefinus
- Merlangius merlangus
- Micromesistius poutassou
- Pollachius pollachius
- Pollachius virens
- Pomatoschistus lozanoi
- Pomatoschistus microps
- Pomatoschistus minutus
- Pomatoschistus pictus
- Sprattus sprattus
- Trisopterus esmarkii
- Trisopterus luscus
- Trisopterus minutus