Authors(s) | Van Damme C.J.G., Leopold M.F. and Knecht S., 1999. Diet, prey preferences and feeding habitat of harbour seals at Helgoland, southeastern North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. |
- Agonus cataphractus
- Ammodytes marinus
- Ammodytes tobianus
- Aphia minuta
- Crystallogobius linearis
- Cyclopterus lumpus
- Gobius niger
- Hippoglossoides platessoides
- Hyperoplus lanceolatus
- Limanda limanda
- Microstomus kitt
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Platichthys flesus
- Pleuronectes platessa
- Pomatoschistus lozanoi
- Pomatoschistus microps
- Pomatoschistus minutus
- Pomatoschistus pictus
- Taurulus bubalis