Cottus gobio


  • Bekker D.L. and Nolet B.A. 1990. The diet of otters Lutra lutra in the Netherlands in winter and early spring. Lutra 33(2):134-144.
  • Jost O. 1975. Fisch-otolithen in Speiballen der Wasseramsel. Natur Mus. 105: 283-286.
  • Libois R. 1997. Seasonal diet and feeding tactics of the European Otter (Lutra lutra) in central France. Vie et Milieu 47: 33-45.
  • Ormerod S.J. and Tyler S.J. 1986. The diet of Dippers Cinclus cinclus wintering in the catchment of the River Wye, Wales. Bird Study 33(1): 36-45.
  • Reynolds S.J. and Hinge M.D.C. 1996. Foods brought to the nest by breeding Kingfishers Alcedo atthis in the New Forest of southern England. Bird Study 43: 96-102.
  • Zuna-Kratky T. and Mann H. 1995. The Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis - winter population, feeding ecology and effects on the fish fauna in the Danube floodplain east of Vienna. Cormorant Research Group Bulletin 1: 38-40.