Authors(s) | Warke G.M.A. and Day K.R. |
Year | 1995 |
Title | Changes in abundance of cyprinid and percid prey affect rate of predation by cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo on salmon Salmo salar smolt in Northern Ireland. Ardea 83(1):157-166 |
- Anguilla anguilla
- Buglossidium luteum
- Clupea harengus
- Eutrigla gurnardus
- Gasterosteus aculeatus
- Hippoglossoides platessoides
- Limanda limanda
- Melanogrammus aeglefinus
- Microstomus kitt
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Perca fluviatilis
- Platichthys flesus
- Pleuronectes platessa
- Rutilus rutilus
- Salmo trutta
- Scophthalmus maximus
- Scophthalmus rhombus
- Solea solea
- Trigla lucerna